Holographic Projector

Overview of Activity

Details to follow

Equipment Needed

  • A Smartphone with access to youtube
  • A plastic stencil from the pack
  • Sellotape


  1. Follow the first video below from about half way through, or
  2. Take the plastic stencil and cut out along all of the solid lines
  3. Follow the first video below from about half way through
  4. Fold the stencil along the dotted lines to make the base
  5. You will then need to sellotape the smaller tab to the form the square based shape – see video below
  6. On your smart phone browse to https://youtu.be/Y60mfBvXCj8 which is the 2nd video below
  7. Place the plastic square small sid down in the middle, play the video and look on from the side.


Risk Assessment

Leader in charge: Ed